Since 2019, NYC Votes has trained over 3,500 young people to mobilize their peers and participate in NYC elections.

Throughout the year, NYC Votes offers trainings and workshops for youth 14-24 years old, educators, and youth service providers looking to engage in local elections. 


Workshops & Trainings

  • Voter Mobilization Training

In this training, we’ll walk through the process of how to organize and execute a voter registration drive. 

When: May 18, 2021 at 6pm - 7pm
Where: Zoom
Sponsor: NYCHA

  • Ranked Choice Voting: Train-the-Trainer

In this train-the-trainer, youth will learn the basics of Ranked Choice Voting while also being trained to host their own Ranked Choice Voting community forum.

WHEN: May 25, 2021 at 6pm - 7pm
Sponsor: NYCHA

  • Civic Engagement Workshop - DYCD

This workshop provides an overview into why voting at the local level is so important. 

WHEN: June 01, 2021 at 6pm - 7pm
Sponsor: DYCD

  • Youth Ranked Choice Voting Train-the-Trainer - DYCD

In this train-the-trainer, youth will learn the basics of Ranked Choice Voting while also being trained to host their own community Ranked Choice Voting forum.

WHEN: June 08, 2021 at 6pm - 7pm
Sponsor: DYCD

Register now

Register to Vote

NYC Votes is partnering with TurboVote to help you register to vote with confidence in less than 5 minutes.

Register now

Past Events

Annual We the Young People Hearing

Every August, the New York City Campaign Finance Board hosts a youth-focused Voter Assistance Advisory Committee (VAAC) hearing. Our annual We the Young People Hearing provides an opportunity for youth to express their concerns regarding voting and local government on a public platform, while also building their writing and speaking skills. Testimony is shared with decision-makers across city government. 

Past hearings:

We the Young People 2019

We the Young People 2020

CUNY Votes Summit

NYC Votes hosted an all-day summit with CUNY Votes at the Borough of Manhattan Community College, to promote voting and civic engagement among students. CUNY Votes and NYC Votes are asking students to mobilize their peers to vote in 2020 by taking the "Text to Vote" pledge.

Learn about CUNY Votes Summit

Civics Week 2020

Civics Week is an initiative of Civics for All and Democracy NYC to promote voting and civic engagement across Department of Education students. In 2020, we trained students to host voter registration events at their schools.

Learn more about Civics Week 2020